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March 2016


The primary Move and Groove team have been hard at work. They have been putting a dance together that will be later presented in the spring. All of the team is hard at work and very excited to present in front of the school.


This month in leadership, we were mainly preparing for our assembly next month, which will be based on random acts of kindness. Our leadership team has been busy preparing for this exciting assembly, which will happen at the end of April. My question to you is, how can you lend a helping hand to someone and spread kindness? The world needs more kindness, empathy and compassion.

Giving Back

This month the grade 6’s built planes with the goal to sell it as a promising product. They were presented to the grade 8’s who overall decided which plane was the most promising based on their presentation, in a Dragon’s Den style. The planes that the grade 6’s managed to create were all very creative and original, making it a hard decision for the grade 8’s. The grade 6’s showed a great understanding of the unit and are our future engineers and pilots.


As the weather grows warmer and the field dries up, JWB is preparing for our annual Track and Field competition! The teachers are working hard teaching us the techniques required and all the students are running practice runs in order to prepare for the big day! But it’s not all Track and Field. March saw the end of our gymnastics unit that began in February. Benches acting as balance beams, falling on mats, jumping and somersaulting. Students saw plenty of funny moments and most feel that they can compete in the next summer Olympics ;).


This month, the grade 5’s visited Ripley’s Aquarium in Toronto for their human body unit. It may be hard to get the connection, but the students were learning about how a human’s body is different from a fish’s, and how humans can’t survive underwater. Even though they were learning about the human body, they got to see all the cool fish and aquatic animals. What a cool trip, grade 5’s!

Special Events

March was still quite an eventual month at JWB! Although March Break is a large gap in the month, we still managed to get plenty done. The break was a welcomed rest for the students, with Easter following the next day. An ice storm lengthened Easter break, and everyone returned to school relaxed - and ready to learn! BASEF was the biggest learning related event of March - where the best science fair projects move onto represent the school and for a chance to move onto the Canada-WIde Science Fair.

Good luck to all those intermediate aspiring scientists attending the event!

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